ECE 265

Introduction to Microprocessor Based Systems

Syllabus:   Syllabus 265 - Wi12.doc

Course TA:

                   Office Hours:  

Week 1

1. Introduction to Microcontroller Systems - Lecture 1 - Introduction to Microcontroller Systems

2. The 68HC11 - Lecture 2 - The 68HC11.ppt

Week 2                                                                                                   

3. Memory, registers - Lecture 3 - 68HC11 Memory.ppt

4.  68HC11 Addressing Modes - Lecture 4 - Addressing Modes.ppt

5.  Finish Lecture 4 - Addressing Modes

     Data Transfer Instructions - Lecture 5 - Basic Instruction Set.ppt

Week 3                                                                                                  

6.  Finish L5

7.  Finish L5 // Start Lect 6 - Lecture 6 - Basic Instruction Set arithmetic instr.ppt


Week 4                                                                                                 

8.  Finish L6 -- Lect 7 - Basic Instruction Set shift logical instr.ppt

9.  Finish 7

10.  Lect 8 - Lecture 8 - Basic Instruction Remaining Instructions.ppt

Week 5                                                                                                 

11.  Finish 8 & Start on Lect 9 - Lecture 9 - Program Design.ppt

12.  Finish 9 - Quiz

13. Exam Review - Midterm Review.ppt

Week 6                                                                                                

14.  Midterm Exam

15.  Programming Structures -Lecture 10 - Programing Structures.ppt

16.  Editing and an Assembler - Lecture 11 - Editing and Assembler.ppt

Week 7                                                                                                

17.    Finished Lecture 11

18.   THRSIM - Lecture 12 - Lecture 12 - The hardware interface.ppt

19.    Interfaces to switches/LEDs - Lect 13 - Interface switches LEDs.ppt

               Lecture 13 - Interface to switches and LEDs.pdf 

Week 8                                                                                                

20.  Decisions - Decisions.pptx  

        A-to-D conversion Lecture 14 - The A to D converter.pdf

                      Lecture 14 - The A to D converter.ppt 


22.  Simulator Project for next week

Lecture 17 - Sim project 1.ppt   Project Step 1 - WI12.docx

Week 9                                                                                                

23.   At DVCON

24.  At DVCON

25.  At DVCON  (return to OSU about the time of the end of class)

Week 10

26.  Sim Proj 2 - Lecture 16 - Systems - Weight Measurement System.ppt

27.   Finish Lect 16 - Review quizes

28.  Final Exam Review - ECE265/Lectures/Review for Final.ppt

Quiz solutions

Quiz 1 WI 12 soln.docx  Quiz 2 WI 12 soln.docx  Quiz 3 WI 12 soln.docx

Quiz 4 WI 12 soln.docx  Quiz 5 WI 12 soln.docx  Quiz 6 WI 12 soln.docx


Assignments:  (submit to dropbox)

W1 - HW 1: Turing Machine Description - Lecture 1 - DUE Sunday January 8

W2 - Problems Chapter 1: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

                         Chapter 2: 4, 6, 19, 21 

            W2 Turn In to drop box (DUE Tuesday January 17) - Ch 1: 9, 10,   Ch 2: 6  

W3 - Problems Chapter 3: 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11

           W3 Turn In to Drop Box HW 3 (DUE Monday Jan 23) - CH3: 2,3,8,11

W4 - Problems Chapter 3:  13,14,15,16,17,19,21,23,26,34

           W4 Turn In to Drop Box HW 4 (DUE Monday Jan 30) - CH3: 14,15,17,19,23

W5 - Problems    Chapter 3: 28

           W5 Turn In to Drop Box HW5 (Due Monday Feb 5) -  Chapter 3: 28

W6 - Problems     Chapter 4:  7, 1, 4, 8, 14

           W6  Turn In to Drop Box HW6 (Due Monday Feb 13) - Chapter 4: for 14 - flowchart and write the assembler code to implement your flow chart.  

W7 - Turn in to Drop Box HW7 (DUE Wednesday Feb 22) the Word document into which you pasted screen shots of the simulator running the code the program.   Required - A capture after assembling of the program.  - A capture after stepping part way through the program - A capture at the conclusion  END BRA END.   THE ASSIGNMENT IS ON SLIDE 23 of LECTURE 11 - CODE ON SLIDE 8 and 9

W8 - A small program to be entered into the simulator, assembled and run. - Turn in to Drop Box HW8

        DUE - Monday Feb 27 - the assignment at the end of the Decisions Lecture (Week 8 )

                    UPDATE - the loop just keeps running and it hard to tell the time.  To be able to have a visual display, look at the update to the assignment at the end of the decisions lecture. 

W9 - Sim Project 1 - counts as 1 quiz - DUE Monday March 5

           Description given in Lecture 17 and the Project Step 1 writeup 

Wk10 - Sim Project 2 - extra credit - Due Sunday March 11

           Description given on last slide Lecture 17 and the Project Step 1 writeup




Final Review Slides -


Project FA2010

The simulator file folder:  You can get the simulator folder by logging on to one of the ECE LINUX systems.  Execute

cd /rcc4/homes/degroat/public_html/ECE265

Then you can copy the THRSIM11 folder

cp -r THRSim11 destination    

     Instruction example:    cp  -r   THRSim11   ~/ece265/.

         if you have a ece265 directory in your account.      

where destination is where you are copying it to.



Quiz Solutions