Site Network: Roberto Rojas | ElectroScience Laboratory | RFIC & Wireless Laboratory |

Unpublished Presentations

  1. R.G. Rojas, S. Lee* and N. Surittikul*, "Reconfigurable GPS Antenna,"EM range consortium meeting, Columbus, OH, July 31-Aug. 1, 2001
  2. R.G. Rojas and K.W. Lee*, "New antenna concepts for wireless antennas," EM range consortium meeting, Columbus, OH, August 3-4, 1999
  3. R.G. Rojas, "Scattering from arbitrarily shaped material bodies placed at the tip of an impedance wedge," EM range consortium meeting, Columbus, OH, July 8-9, 1992
  4. R.G. Rojas, "Use of R-card to reduce Pylon scatter," EM range consortium meeting, Columbus, OH, July 16-17, 1991
  5. R.G. Rojas, " Hybrid Analysis/Design techniques for Antennas," National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohshiung, Taiwan, March 24, 1998.
  6. R.G. Rojas,"An analysis/design method for active integrated antennas," Chinese Military Academy, University, Kaohshiung, Taiwan, March 25, 1998.
  7. R.G. Rojas, "Introduction to EMC," I-Shou University, Kaohshiung, Taiwan, March 26, 1998.
  8. R.G. Rojas, "Hybrid analysis/design techniques for EM radiation and scattering," National Taiwan university, Taipei, Taiwan, March 27, 1998.

(Student co-authors are marked with an *)
This site was last updated on 6/22/2007 (BDR)
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