Adaptive Estimation and Control for Jet Engines


Over the years I have had several grants and contracts for the the study of how to apply adaptive estimation and control methods to jet engines (both commercial and miliary).


NASA Glenn Research Center: Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Jet Engines

A 3-year project is currently in progress on: "Intelligent Fault Tolerant Engine Control". The focus is on the development and simulation of fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control methods. Particular methods being employed include adaptive fuzzy/neural estimation and control, multiple-model methods, and output feedback control. The surge/stall estimation and control problem is also being studied. For more information please click here.


General Electric Aircraft Engines: Estimation and Contol for Jet Engines

Since 1995 I have had support from GEAE in Cincinnati for the development of esitmation and control methods for commercial and military jet engines. The last project listed below is the current one. The project titles and brief description are:

  1. "Intelligent Mode Selection, Transition, and Blending Logic": Adaptive intelligent control for tuning engine control laws for different modes of engine operation.
  2. "Multipurpose Tracking Filter for an Aircraft Engine": Estimation of engine parameters related to the health of the operation of the engine.
  3. "Computational Data Storage Unit for an Aircraft Engine": Develop hardware for simulating an engine model on-line.
  4. "Multipurpose Tracking Filter for an Aircraft Engine (Part 2)" (co-PI: S. Yurkovich): Continuation of above project.
  5. "Model Based Diagnostics Support of the Intelligent Maintenance Advisor for Turbine Engines (IMATE) Program": Development of engine failure diagnosis methods via nonlinear estimation methods that involved training neural and fuzzy systems (clustering methods).
  6. "Failure Diagnosis for Jet Engines": Development of engine failure diagnosis methods via nonlinear estimation methods (for another engines) that involved training neural networks.
  7. "Generic Engine Control": Adaptive control methods to shorten the design process (design of adaptive controllers that can be scaled and applied directly to different engines).