Open Positions

We are always looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students to join our research group. Students will be working on power-aware computer systems or computer architecture. Please note that we currently do NOT yet have GRA openings in other research areas (e.g., wireless sensor networks or real-time systems).

Power consumption has become one of the most important concerns for both embedded systems and large-scale data centers that host thousands of high-density computer servers. We are conducting cutting-edge research to optimize the performance of computer systems within stringent power constraints. Our research results have been published recently in top conferences (e.g., ISCA, HPCA, PACT, RTSS, ICDE, INFOCOM, ICDCS) and premier journals (i.e., various IEEE/ACM Transactions). See here for a complete list of our publications.

Preference will be given to candidates who already have Master degrees in related fields (e.g., Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Control Systems, etc.).  Exceptional undergraduate students with strong research experience may also be considered.  We particularly welcome ambitious students who would like to pursue a research career after graduation (e.g., university professors or researchers at industrial research labs).

A prospective Ph.D. student is strongly encouraged to read at least one of our papers listed here to have some basic ideas about our research, instead of blindly sending emails for GRA opportunities. Please indicate in the email (1) which paper you have read and what the paper is about, (2) what you would like to do for your own doctoral research, and (3) how your proposed research relates to our current research. With your answers to the three questions, we hopefully can find a match between you and one of our research projects. Successful candidates will receive full tuition waiver and a monthly stipend. 

Why Ohio State? According to the 2014 US News and World report ranking, Ohio State Computer Engineering program is ranked top 20 (#19), while the EE and CS programs are #18 and #28, respectively. Ohio State is one of the only two Big 10 universities (Big 10 includes UIUC, UMich, Wisconsin, Purdue, etc.) that are located in major metropolitan areas (the other one is UMN, where you know, is extremely cold). Columbus is the capital of and the largest city in Ohio and the #15 largest city in the US (Wikipedia).

For more details about our research, please refer to the Power-Aware Computer Systems (PACS) Laboratory website.