EM-NN-AMP Algorithm: A succinct overview

Jeremy Vila, Oct. 2013

EM-NN-AMP attempts to recover a sparse signal of length N through (possibly) noisy measurements of length M (with perhaps M < N). We model this through the linear system

$\bf{y} = \bf{Ax} + \bf{w}$.

We focus on non-negative (NN) signals that obey the linear equality constraints

$\bf{c} = \bf{Bx}$.

EM-NN-AMP is comprised of three different algorithms: NN least-squares AMP (NNLS-AMP), expectation maximization NN LASSO AMP (EM-NNL-AMP), and EM NN Gaussian mixture AMP (EM-NNGM-AMP). Toggling between them using the EMNNAMP Matlab code is extremely easy.

Refer to the paper EM-NN-AMP by Jeremy Vila Philip Schniter for a detailed description of the algorithm. This manual will show how to use the EM-NN-AMP MATLAB code.


Example 1: Non-negative Uniform Data

The following example will use randomly generated data drawn from a uniform distribution

close all
clear all

N = 500; %Fix dimension of signal
M = 1000;  %Fix number of measurements
SNR = 30; %Fix signal to noise ratio

% Form A matrix from i.i.d. Gaussian entries
% Generate normalized random sensing matrix
Amat = randn(M,N);
columnNorms = sqrt(diag(Amat'*Amat));
Amat = Amat*diag(1 ./ columnNorms); %unit norm columns
A = MatrixLinTrans(Amat);

%Generate non-sparse uniform signal
x = rand(N,1);

%Compute true noiseless measurement
ztrue = A.mult(x);

%Output channel- Calculate noise level
muw = norm(ztrue)^2/M*10^(-SNR/10)

%Compute noisy output
y = ztrue + sqrt(muw)*(randn(M,1));

EM-NN-AMP is comprised of the NNLS-AMP, EM-NNL-AMP, and EM-NNGM-AMP algorithms. Toggling between them is straightforward. To run each algorithm on its defaults, all one needs to supply are the measurements and mixing matrix (or operator). The algorithm then returns the recovered linearly-constrained non-negative signal.

time = tic;
optALG.alg_type = 'NNLSAMP'; %Pick the NNLS-AMP algorithm
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG); %Perform EMNNAMP
time = toc(time) %Calculate total time
time =


Verify accuracy of signal recovery with NMSE and plots

nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report NNLSAMP's NMSE (in dB)

plot(x,'b+');hold on %Plot true signal
plot(xhat,'ro'); hold off %Plot signal estimates
xlabel('Signal Index'); ylabel('Value')
title('Case 1: Real Bernoulli-Gaussian Signal, Med Sparsity, High SNR')
legend('True signal', 'Est Signal')
nmse =


It is straightforward to run EM-NNL-AMP and EM-NNGM-AMP using the EMNNAMP Matlab code. Moreover, parameter initialization and learning are handled automatically.


time = tic;
optALG.alg_type = 'NNLAMP'; %Pick the EM-NNL-AMP algorithm
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG); %Perform EMNNAMP
time = toc(time) %Calculate total time
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report NNLSAMP's NMSE (in dB)
time =


nmse =



time = tic;
optALG.alg_type = 'NNGMAMP'; %Pick the EM-NNGM-AMP algorithm
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG); %Perform EMNNAMP
time = toc(time) %Calculate total time
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report NNLSAMP's NMSE (in dB)
time =


nmse =


Alternatively, one can call xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A), as EMNNAMP assumes optALG.alg_type = 'NNGMAMP'; as the default

time = tic;
[xhat,stateFin] = EMNNAMP(y, A); %Perform EMNNAMP
time = toc(time) %Calculate total time
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report NNLSAMP's NMSE (in dB)

% It is straightforward plot the recovered NNGM signal distribution
time =


nmse =


Example 2: Enforcing linear equality constraints

EM-NN-AMP can also handle other signal types including those with linear equality constraints, even in the compressive sensing regime.

clear('optALG'); %clear previous optALG options

N = 500; %Fix dimension of signal
del = 0.5; %undersampling ratio del = M/N
rho = 0.3; %normalized sparsity rate rho = K/M
SNR = 40; %Signal to noise ratio (dB)

M = ceil(del*N); %Find appropriate measurement size
K = floor(rho*M); %Find appropriate sparsity
if K == 0
    K = 1; %Ensure at least one active coefficient.

% Form A matrix
%Generate normalized random sensing matrix
Amat = randn(M,N);
columnNorms = sqrt(diag(Amat'*Amat));
Amat = Amat*diag(1 ./ columnNorms); %unit norm columns
A = MatrixLinTrans(Amat);

%Generate signal
x = dirrnd(10*ones(1,K),1)';
x(end+1:N) = zeros(N-K,1);
x = x(randperm(N));

%Compute true noiseless measurement
ztrue = A.mult(x);

%Output channel- Calculate noise level
muw = norm(ztrue)^2/M*10^(-SNR/10);

%Compute noisy output
y = ztrue + sqrt(muw)*(randn(M,1));

time = tic;
optALG.linEqMat = ones(1,N); %supply linear equality matrix B
optALG.linEqMeas = 1; %supply linear equality "measurement" c
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG); %Perform EM-NNGM-AMP
time5 = toc(time) %Calculate total time
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) %Report recovery nmse in dB
LE_nmse = 10*log10(norm(1-sum(xhat))^2) %Report the nmse of linear equality constraint
time5 =


nmse =


LE_nmse =


Example 3: Real NN satellite image in compressive sensing regime

It is straightforward to apply EMNNAMP to real NN datasets. In this example, we recover a sparse NN image of a satellite under noisy, compressed linear measurements using the randomly row-sampled Hadamard transform operator.

clear('optEM') %clear previous options

%load image and plot it
title('True image')

%Find dimension of signal and vectorize it
N = numel(x);
x = reshape(x,N,1);

del = 0.3; %del = M/N
SNR = 60; %Define SNR

%Specify number of measurements
M = ceil(del*N);

%Build ``wide'' fast Walsh-Hadamard transform
A = FWHTLinTrans(N,[],1);
%get indeces of rows randomly
ind = A.ySamplesRandom(M);
%subsample by either method

ztrue = A.mult(x); %Generate measurements

muw = norm(ztrue)^2/M*10^(-SNR/10); %Calculate noise level

y = ztrue + sqrt(muw)*randn(M,1); %Compute noisy output

tstart = tic;
optEM.maxEMiter = 20; %decrease maximum EM iterations
optGAMP.adaptStep = false; %Turn off adaptive step size
optGAMP.verbose= true; %Turn on GAMP verbosity
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A,[],optEM,optGAMP); %Perform EMNNGMAMP
time = toc(tstart)
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report EMNNAMP's NMSE (in dB)

%plot the recovered image
xhat = reshape(xhat,sqrt(N),sqrt(N));
title('Recovered image')
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  8.9293e-01
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  4.5428e-01
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.2736e-01
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.3032e-01
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.4342e-01
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.9355e-01
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.3773e-01
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  9.1461e-02
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  6.1167e-02
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.7276e-02
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.3354e-02
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.4662e-02
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  9.7413e-03
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  6.2188e-03
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.4732e-02
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.0989e-02
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  7.1601e-03
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  4.5972e-03
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.0652e-03
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.0099e-03
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.3768e-03
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  9.4657e-03
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  5.5721e-03
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.4097e-03
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.0678e-03
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.2475e-03
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  7.6485e-04
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  4.6673e-04
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.5261e-03
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.1794e-03
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.3361e-03
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  8.4048e-04
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  4.9564e-04
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.4642e-04
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.0818e-04
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.9695e-03
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.5375e-03
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  9.6826e-04
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  6.3375e-04
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.8093e-04
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.6926e-04
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.6186e-04
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.5145e-03
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  8.9954e-04
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  5.4786e-04
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.5647e-04
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.0569e-04
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.4300e-04
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  8.3166e-05
it=  1  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=         NaN
it=  2  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  5.2935e-04
it=  3  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.8984e-04
it=  4  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.7709e-04
it=  5  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  1.0634e-04
it=  6  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  6.2936e-05
it=  7  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  3.7145e-05
it=  8  value=        -Inf  step=1.000000  |dx|/|x|=  2.2146e-05

time =


nmse =


Example 4: Using the Laplacian noise model

EM-NN-AMP can assume an additive white Laplacian noise model for improved robustness to the outliers in the measurements.

clear('optALG'); %clear previous optALG options

N = 1000; %Define signal dimension
M = 1000; %Define number of measurements
SNR = 20; %Define signal to noise ratio in dB

% Form A matrix from i.i.d. Gaussian entries
% Generate normalized random sensing matrix
Amat = randn(M,N);
columnNorms = sqrt(diag(Amat'*Amat));
Amat = Amat*diag(1 ./ columnNorms); %unit norm columns
A = MatrixLinTrans(Amat);

%Define signal as a truncated Gaussian.
x = randn(N,1);
x(x<0) = 0;

ztrue = A.mult(x); %Form noiseless measurements

muw = norm(ztrue)^2/M*10^(-SNR/10); %Calculate noise level

y = ztrue + sqrt(muw)*(randn(M,1)); %Compute noisy output

ind = randperm(N,4); %select four indices to corrupt;
y(ind) = ztrue(ind) + 5*randn(4,1); %Corrupt these indeces with outliers

Perform EMNNGMAMP without laplacian noise model

time = tic;
optALG.laplace_noise = false;
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG);
time = toc(time)
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report EMGMAMP's NMSE (in dB)
time =


nmse =


Perform EMNNGMAMP with laplacian noise model

time = tic;
optALG.laplace_noise = true;
xhat = EMNNAMP(y, A, optALG);
time = toc(time)
nmse = 10*log10(norm(x-xhat)^2/norm(x)^2) % Report EMGMAMP's NMSE (in dB)
time =


nmse =
