Research Grants

National Science Foundation (NSF)

  1. "CIF: Small: Taming Convergence and Delay in Stochastic Network Optimization with Hessian Information," CCF-1618318, 07/2016 -- 08/2019, Amount: $317,896 (Sole PI).

  2. "NeTS: Small: Toward Optimal, Efficient, and Holistic Networking Design for Massive-MIMO Wireless Networks," CNS-1527078, 10/2015 -- 09/2018, Amount: $300,000 (Sole PI).

Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) / Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

  1. "Toward Optimal, Efficient, and Adaptive Resource Allocation Designs for Airborne Wireless Networks," AFOSR 2016 Summer Faculty Fellowship (SFFP) Award, May 2016 -- Aug. 2016 (Sole PI).

  2. "Toward Optimal, Efficient, and Adaptive Resource Allocation Designs for Airborne Wireless Networks," AFOSR 2016 Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) Extension Grant, Sep. 2016 -- Oct. 2016 (Sole PI).

  3. "Dynamic Resource Allocation for Airborne Networks under Spectral, Spatial, and Temporal Uncertainty," AFRL 2015 Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP) Award, Jun. 2015 -- Aug. 2015 (Sole PI).

  4. "Dynamic Resource Allocation for Airborne Networks under Spectral, Spatial, and Temporal Uncertainty," AFRL 2015 VFRP Summer Extension Grant, Sep. 2015 -- Oct. 2015 (Sole PI).

Office of Naval Research (ONR)

  1. "Achieving Low Delay and Highly Adaptive Tactical Networking with MUlti-Path TCP," ONR 6.2 Grant, Feb. 2017 -- Feb. 2020 (Co-PI, Lead PI: Ness Shroff).

Other Grants (Senior Personnel)

  1. "CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cognitive Green Building: A Holistic Cyber-Physical Analytic Paradigm for Energy Sustainability," NSF-CNS-1556582, Jan. 2015 -- Dec. 2017 (PI: Prof. Ness B. Shroff, Co-PIs: Qian Chen, Thomas Hou, Wenjing Lou).

  2. "ECCS: Toward Efficient and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems Design for the Smart Electric Power Grid," NSF-ECCS-1232118, Sept. 2012 -- Sept. 2015 (PI: Cathy H. Xia, Co-PI: Prof. Ness B. Shroff).


I gratefully acknowledge the ongoing support from NSF (CCF-1618318, CNS-1527078), ONR, and AFOSR / AFRL (SFFP, VFRP awards, and the associated extension grants) for my research.