Project Assignment - Extra Credit-DATAPATH with Shifter              DUE: Friday March 9th


Modify the datapath as follows:



 Add a shifter.  The shifter is connected to the A input latch so it can only be loaded from the ABUS.  The A_ALUsel controlls a multiplexer that can either select the latched input or the shifter output.  A value of ‘1’ on A_ALUsel selects the latch input, and a value of ‘0’ selects the shifter output.


The possible shift operations are logical shift left, logical shift right, arithmetic shift left, arithmetic shift right, rotate left, rotate right, rotate left with carry, and rotate right with carry.  The mnemonics are (lsl,lsr,asl,asr,rol,ror,rolwc,rorwc).  Their effected is illustrated below.  In the following diagram the large rectangle is the register and the small square represents the C bit of the Flags.



The output of the shifter goes into the A input selector multiplexer.  The shfiter will always affect the C bit of the Flags as shown above.  If the ALU operation is op_A and the ALU A input is selected to be the shifter, then the carry output of the ALU/shifter is determined by the shift operation.  Any other ALU operation will have the effect of overriding the C bit generated by the shifter and causing the C bit to be set accoring to the ALU operation.


The N and Z flags are set accoring to the ALU_operation.  Note that the result of a shift operation will pass through the ALU using the ALU operation op_A.  This will cause the Z and N flags to be set and the C bit will come from the shifter.  During other types of operations, such as a multiply step, the ALU operation of the step will determine the state of the flags.


1)  So your first task is to modify your datapath to include a shifter that can perform the above functions and integrate it into the datapath as shown.  The testbench for this step produces the appropriate select signal for the A_ALUsel signal.  It runs through the same tests that it did in the previous project step and then runs through step to test the correct operation of the shfiter.


You will need a type for the shifter operations in your support package.  The testbench assumes that the mnemonic names above are used and the type will be called shift_operations.  I strongly you suggest that you get the shifter integrated and working before even considering the next step.  (15 points of extra credit for this part)


2)   Write a microcode procedure to do integer multiplication.  By a microcode routine I mean a routine such as the tworegop, oneregop, shiftop procedures.  Your routine will be passed the multiplier and multiplicand register numbers, s1reg, s2reg, and put the result back in register s2reg.  On the first cycle you will have to load the multiply control register (already set up in the bus_cycle procedure) and then use its values to do the multiply.

Other information:

The operation multiplies the 8 lsb of each resiter and puts the 16 bit result in the 2nd reg.

The operation should take a constant number of cycles.

The output of the ALU can be driven on the B bus and latched back into the B input, acting as an accumulator.


Enter calls to your procedure as indicted to do the following 8 multiplications as indicated in the testbench.


            R0  x  R1  -->  R1        R2  x  R3  -->  R3        R4  x  R5  --> R5

            R6  x  R7  -->  R7        R8  x  R9  -->  R9        R10  x  R11  --> R11

            R12  x  R13  -->  R13  R14  x  R15  -->  R15


The call to PROCEDURE bus_cycle is



            A_regldi - TBLoad or Load  - Load value on ABUS into register Aregno

                              Drive -  Drive Aregno value onto ABUS

                              Idle or Accum - Register do not drive or load from ABUS

            A_regno -

            A_aluldi - Load - Latch value from ABUS for Ainput of ALU

                              Drive - Drive value of ALU output onto ABUS

                             Idle, TBLoad, Accum - ALU does not latch or drive ABUS

            A_aluinsel -  ‘1’ - A input to ALU is latched value, ‘0’ shifted value

            A_BUS_VAL - Value placed on ABUS by test bench if A_regldi = TBLoad

            A_BUS_EXP - Expected value on ABUS

            B_regldi, B_regno - same as for ABUS side but for BBUS

            B_aluldi -  same as ABUS side except

                             Accum causes ALU to drive BBUS and then Latch that value.

            B_BUS_VAL, B_BUS_EXP - same as for ABUS but for BBUS

            Shf_op - the shift operation to be performed - if the shifter is not used it can

                                    be any value

            Shf_dist - the distance of the shift - if the shifter is not used it can be any value

            MCR_ldi - multiply control register loading - if Load, MCR is loaded from the

                                    8 lsb of the A bus, otherwise no action.

            alu_op - the alu_operation to be performed - if the alu is not used can be any value

            Cinval - the value of the carry input to the alu and shifter this cycle

            exp_cc - the index for the expected condition code

            checkbus - if TRUE then the value driven on the bus during Drive signals being

                                    low is checked as well as the flags are checked.

                              if FALSE the actual value on the bus is not checked.



For example the two register operation does the following


                                                                              Aalu                                Shift     Shift

Cycle             ABUS                       BBUS             insel    AluOP       Cin       OP      Dist

     1       R(Aregno)->Aalu      R(Bregno)->Balu      ‘1’      oper       Cinval      --         --

     2                  idle                aluout->R(Bregno)    ‘1’      oper       Cinval      --         --


and has calles to the bus_cycle procedure as seen in the testbench.


To do a shift operation, the following is needed.


                                                                              Aalu                                Shift     Shift

Cycle             ABUS                       BBUS             insel    AluOP       Cin       OP      Dist

     1        R(regno)->Aalu                  Idle                ‘0’      op_A      Cinval     sop       dist

     2                  idle                aluout->R(Bregno)    ‘1’      op_A      Cinval     sop       dist


Set up a similar table for the multiply operation which will make coding the procedure much easier.  Do not check the contents on the bus during operation of your multiply routine, i.e., call bus_cycle with the checkbus parameter as FALSE.  Check of the correct opertion is done on the subsequent dump of the registers.


As always, turn in:


1)  Your VHDL code.


2)  A copy of simulation results listing, showing signals as per step 8, the datapath, having deltas collapsed.


3)  A copy of a zoom->full_size waveform.


4)  A copy of a waveform for the cycles of the multiply operation.


5)  The cycle by cycle table for the multiply operation.


This step will count be up to 30 points of extra credit toward the projects steps.

Getting the maximum credit requires well documented (commented) code such that your work can be evaluated. 

The test bench is in file ~degroat/ee762_assign/pr_step_excr.vhdl