ECE 3561

Advanced Digital Design

Autumn 2015 - 1:50-2:45pm - Journalism 300

Final Exam : Journalism 300 - Wednesday December 16 2:00-3:45pm

Au15  ECE 3561 - Lecture 30 Final review.ppt

SPRING 2015   Assignments   and   Quiz solutions 

    Syllabus :  Syllabus3561 Adv Dig Dsgn - Au15.doc

    Material Covered: coming


W1. Course Intro - ECE3561/Lectures/ECE 3561 - Lecture 01.ppt

2. Sequential Elements - Text Unit 11: Latches and Flip Flops - ECE3561/Lectures/ECE 3561 - Lecture 02.ppt

M3. Quiz 1 Memory Elements - Registers - ECE3561/Lectures/ECE 3561 - Lecture 03.ppt


4. Demo of using Modelsim in class

5. Traditional Sequential Machine Design - ECE 3561 - Lecture 5 Sequential Circuit Design Traditional.ppt

W6.  State Graphs and State Tables - Creating State Graphs :  ECE 3561 - Lecture 6 State Graphs and Tables.ppt

7.  State Graphs - Moore Machines -  ECE 3561 - Lecture 7 State Graphs and Tables - Moore Machines.ppt

M8. Quiz 2   Examples of State Diagrams  ECE 3561 - Lecture 7s - Multiple Output Example.ppt

9.    State Table Reduction - ECE 3561 - Lecture 8 State Reduction.ppt                    (lect revised 9/14/15)

10. State Assignment - Lecture 9 State Assignment.ppt

M11.  Quiz 3   Other traditional State Machine topics - ECE 3561 - Lecture 10 State Machine Design Topics.ppt

12.  More on State Equivalence and one hot - ECE 3561 - Lecture 10a additional State Machine examples.ppt

13.  State Machine Analysis - ECE 3561 - Lecture 11 State Machine Analysis.ppt

M14.  Start VHDL overview ECE 3561 - Lecture 12 VHDL Overview.ppt

15.    Quiz 4   VHDL overview

16.    Exam Review    ECE 3561 - Lecture 11 Midterm Review.ppt


18.    Finish VHDL overview      ECE 3561 - Lecture 13 VHDL Language Elements.ppt

19.   ECE 3561 - Lecture 14 VHDL Language Elements II.ppt

M20.  VHDL specification of state machines : ECE 3561 - Lecture 15 VHDL Specification of State Machines.ppt

21.   VHDL testbenches for state machines : ECE 3561 - Lecture 16 VHDL Testbenches for State Machines.ppt


M22.  Quiz 5    State Machines with binary encoding :  ECE 3561 - Lecture 17 VHDL for State Machines with binary state encoding.ppt

23.   SM assignments for the coming week. - QUARTIS Demo for assignments

24.   TA coverage of HDL assignments

M25.   TA - Coverage of use of Quartis and Report prep

26.   TA  work on assignments

27.  Registers and Register Sets - Start on MicroBaby

M28. (Nov 2) Microbaby components

29.  Resolved Signals  ECE 3561 - Lecture 19 Resolved Signals.ppt 

30.   Ill - No class

M31.  MB component assignments - ALU Design Today - ECE 3561 - Lecture 23 Arithmetic Logic Units.ppt

Wed - no class - Vetrans day

32.  Adder architectures - ECE 3561 - Lecture 24 Alternative Adders.ppt

M33.  The Microbaby Architecture


35.  CSA adders - add4.vhdl  add4p0.vhdl  add4p1.vhdl  mux2t1x4.vhdl  csa16.vhdl  tcs16.vhdl

M36.  The Microbaby projects 6 through 9 to complete the datapath

Wed and Fri - no class - Thanksgiving - TURKEY DAY!!!


38. (Dec 2)






4.  Demonstration of Modelsim and Quartis - VHDL 2 assignment   ECE 3561 - Lecture 4.ppt  

M -   Quartis Demo ECE 3561 - Quartis info.ppt

W Quartis Demo for timing and discussion of the MB Comp 6 assignment (Important in class discussion)

F   State Machines for other counters/ Lecture 18 VHDL for other counters and controllers.ppt

Finish Lect 20 and Demo of work  - ECE 3561 - Lecture 21 Register Set Testing.ppt

Register set testing  -   ECE 3561 - Lecture 22 Debugging the register set.ppt

Datapath integrating Register and ALU - ECE 3561 - Lecture 25 Datapath ALU.ppt

Sequential machine and cirucit analysis - Digital Systems Slides p2.pdf

Datapath and ALU - ECE 3561 - Lecture 26 Datapath ALU Structure and generation.ppt


M: Demo of quartis on full CPU unit

W: More demos of MB simulation in detail

F: More interactive work in class

M: Final Exam Review : ECE 3561 - Lecture 30 Final review.ppt


AU2015 Assignments    Asssignment Report Shell.docx

-- Read Unit 11 - Problem 11.1  - not to be turned in

- VHDL 1 - (drop box VHDL 1) - Assignments/VHDL Assign 1.doc    DUE: Friday Sept 4

- HW 1  (drop box HW 1) - ECE3561/HW/AU 15 HW 1.docx  DUE: Monday Sept 14

- Text problem 15.1, 15.2, 15.3  - Not for turn in - Answers are in text

- VHDL 2 - (drop box VHDL 2) - Au 15 VHDL Assign 2.docx  code file : vass2.vhdl  DUE: Wed Oct 20

- VHDL 3 - (drop box VHDL 3) - AU 15 VHDL Assign 3.docx  code file: vass3.vhdl  DUE: Wed Oct 4

- VHDL 4 - (drop box VHDL 4) - AU 15 VHDL Assign 4.docx  code file:  vass4.vhdl DUE: Wed Oct 4

- VHDL 5 - (drop box VHDL 5) - AU 15 VHDL Assign 5.docx  code file:  vass4.vhdl DUE: Wed Oct 4

- VHDL 6 - (drop box VHDL 6) - AU 15 VHDL Assign 6.docx  code file:  vass4.vhdl DUE: Wed Oct 4

MICROBABY   - sample report    Mux 2-to-1 by 1 Report.docx

Mux2to1x8  -  Au15 MB Comp 1.docx   DUE:   Mon 16 Nov

Mux4to1x1 - Au15 MB Comp 2.docx    DUE:    Wed 18 Nov

Mux4to1x8 - Au15 MB Comp 3.docx    DUE:     Wed 18 Nov

8-bit Register - Au15 MB Comp 4.docx    DUE:   Fri 20 Nov

all 0s detector - Au15 MB Comp 5.docx    DUE:   Fri 20 Nov    


MORE INFO ON STRUCTURE   ECE 3561 - Lecture 2x Microbaby Structure.ppt

Carry select adder - 8-bit - Au15 MB Comp 6.docx  DUE: Mon 7 DEC               DATES REVISED

MicroBaby ALU - structural - Au15 MB Comp 7.docx  DUE: Wed Dec 9  Testbench   talu.vhdl

Bus Driver - Au15 MB Comp 8.docx  DUE: FRI Dec 11

MicroBaby Datapath - Au15 MB Comp 9.docx DUE: FRI Dec 11  testbench for dp    tdp.vhdl

Integration with controller - Extra Cred - Au15 MB Comp 10.docx   DUE: Mon Dec 14

bstrpld.vhdl    clkdrv.vhdl     load_mem.vhdl   mb_2.vhdl    mbctl.vhdl    mbspt.vhdl    mem264.vhdl   pcunit.vhdl 

datamem   progmem   Hook up to your datapath

Quiz Solutions

Au 15 Quiz 1 soln.docx    Au 15 Quiz 2  soln.docx    Au 15 Quiz 3 soln.docx    Au 15 Quiz 4 soln.docx





- VHDL 2 - Repeat class demo of Wednesday VHDL Assign 2.docx DUE: Feb 27

                       Files :    fa.vhdl      testfa.vhdl

- Computer assign 1 - coming

- HW2 - Lect 8 - Text chapter 14 - prob 14.26 - DUE : Feb 11

MB Comp 1,2,3,4 - DUE  March 9

                        MB Comp 1.docx      MB Comp 2.docx     MB Comp 3.docx   MB Comp 4.docx

MB Comp 5 - DUE March 13     8-bit 2-to-1 mux              MB Comp 5.docx

MB Comp 6 - Due Apr 1 (Updated)    Carry Select Adder      MB Comp 6.docx  test bench  tfa.vhdl

MB Comp 7 - Logic Unit     Due Apr 2   MB Comp 7.docx

MB Comp 8 - multi-function ALU     Due: Fri Apr 10  (NEW DATE)   MB Comp 8.docx  

                                        Testbench file for the ALU unit :  talu.vhdl 

MB Comp 9 - 8-bit register :  DUE: Fri Apr 17  MB Comp 9.docx

MB Comp 10 - Bus Driver :  DuE Fri Apr 17  MB Comp 10.docx

MB Comp 11 - The full CPU - Due Fri Apr 24   MB Comp 11 The CPU.docx  The Testbench  tbc.vhdl

                               The shell for the mbcpu unit : mbcpu.vhdl    The .do file for waveform setup :




Updated to here - 2/19/15

                                                      ECE 3561 - Lecture 5 Project 1.ppt



27. M  Lect 20 - Registers and debugging Quartis  ECE 3561 - Lecture 20 Register Set.ppt

28. W Lect 201 - Semester project datapath:    ECE 3561 - Lecture 20a The 430 DP register set.ppt

29. F



1. See Lecture - Project 1 - CODE: cnt3.vhdl    gen.vhdl                 DUE: Jan 22

2. Implement Excess 3 to BCD converter in an FPGA -  HDL file : e3_bcd.vhdl  Submit to dropbox HW2  DUE: Jan 31

3. HW 3 as described as the last slide of Lect 8      DUE to dropbox HW3 by Feb 3

4. Semester Project a 1 - Semester Project a 1.docx   Due: Monday Feb 10 to dropbox HDL1

5. Semester Project a 2 - Semester Project a 2.docx   Due:  Wednesday Feb 19 to dropbox HDL2

6.Semester Project ms1 - Model Sim Overview.doc   Logic Unit Simulation.doc  logic_unit_tb.vhdl 

                 Semester Project a 3.docx                           Due: Friday Feb 28 to dropbox HDL3

7. Semester Project a 4 - Semester Project a 4.docx   Due: changed to Friday March 28

      Some example code: mealy101.vhdl     moore101.vhdl  test101tb.vhdl

     Some code that can help in creating testbench:  CLKDIV.vhdl   cnt8_Gray.vhdl

8. Semester Project a 5 - VHDL coding : Semester Project/Semester Project a 5.docx  DUE: Mon Mar 7

reference code and overview:   Reference Alu code and tb.docx

files: fa.vhdl  fa16.vhdl  lu.vhdl  lu16.vhdl  mux2_1.vhdl  mux2_1x16.vhdl  alu1.vhdl  tbalu1.vhdl

9. Semester Project a 6 :- Semester Project a 6.docx

10. Semester Project a 7:  Semester Project a 7.docx   

    This step is the ALU that get information from the busses and drives the results bus 

   NEW  Semester Project a 7 additional info.docx  teshbench for this step Semester Project/tbalu3.vhdl

     Submission include HDL simulation and Quartis synthesis of the unit. 

   NEW Testbench for step a7  :     tbalu3.vhdl

11. Semester Project a 8 :  Semester Project a 8.docx       Submit 6,7 and 8 to dropbox by end of semester.

     This step is the register set.      Semester Project a 8 document updated 4/16

     TESTBENCH FOR A REGISTER LINE :    tbreg.vhdl 

     TESTBENCH FOR THE REGISTER SET:    tbregset.vhdl 

NEW: testbench for the datapath testing just the registers :     tbd1.vhdl

           TESTBENCH for the datapath testing registers and alu :      tbd2.vhdl    support package  dp430spt.vhdl

      Description of the integration of the registers and alu :     Semester Project a 9 - The datapath.docx 





Autumn 2012 Offering

10. Lect 9 - State Assignment : ECE 3561 - Lecture 9 State Assignment.ppt

12. Quiz -  Lect 10 - State equivalence and other topics: ECE 3561 - Lecture 10 State Machine Design Topics.ppt

14.  Midterm Review ECE 3561 - Lecture 11 Midterm Review.ppt   Quiz 1  soln.doc   Quiz 2 soln.doc

                       answer to some HW problems   ECE3561/Assignments/HW Solution.docx 

Quiz 3 solution : Quiz 3 soln.doc

W 29