--========================================================================= -- Sequential Machine Problem -- -- NAME: -- --========================================================================= -- PUT your Entity for the SAR here --========================================================================= -- PUT your Architecture for the SAR here --========================================================================= --************************************************************************* -- support package for test bench LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; PACKAGE sar_pkg IS PROCEDURE d2a (digital_in : IN BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); analog_out : OUT REAL); END sar_pkg; PACKAGE BODY sar_pkg IS PROCEDURE d2a (digital_in : IN BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); analog_out : OUT REAL) IS TYPE wt_tbl_type IS ARRAY (7 downto 0) OF REAL; CONSTANT wt_tbl : wt_tbl_type := (0.5,0.25,0.125,0.0625,0.03125,0.015625,0.0078125,0.00390625); CONSTANT max_analog : REAL := 5.0; VARIABLE analog_val : REAL; BEGIN -- procedure d2a analog_val := 0.0; FOR I IN 7 DOWNTO 0 LOOP IF (digital_in(I) = '1') THEN analog_val := analog_val + max_analog * wt_tbl(I); END IF; END LOOP; analog_out := analog_val; END d2a; --procedure END sar_pkg; --========================================================================= --************************************************************************* ENTITY stb IS END stb; LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE WORK.sar_pkg.ALL; ARCHITECTURE test OF stb IS -- Set up type and array of input test values TYPE analog_in_tbl_type is array (1 to 15) of REAL; CONSTANT analog_in_tbl : analog_in_tbl_type := (0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,2.25,1.04,3.72,2.91); -- Set up type and array for expected output values TYPE dig_out_tbl_type is array (1 to 15) of BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); CONSTANT dig_out_tbl : dig_out_tbl_type := ("00000000","00011001","00110011","01001100","01100110", "01111111","10011001","10110011","11001100","11100110", "11111111","01110011","00110101","10111110","10010100"); -- output test number SIGNAL vector_no : INTEGER := 0; SIGNAL error,lsb_error : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL exp_val : BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- Declare Signals for interfacing to the SAR digital section SIGNAL sarclk : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL digital_val,sar_val : BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); SIGNAL start,over_under,eoc : BIT; -- over='1', under='0' -- Signals needed in analog section SIGNAL analog_input,dac_out : REAL := 0.0; -- Enter your name in the ( ) TYPE mname IS (yourname); SIGNAL nm : mname := mname'VAL(0); -- **************** Declare and Config. Component here ****************** --*********************************************************************** BEGIN -- test architecture -- *************************instantiate the component here ************** -- set up free running sarclk with a period of 100 ns. sarclk <= NOT sarclk AFTER 50 ns; nm <= mname'VAL(0); -- Analog compnent modeling PROCESS (analog_input,sar_val) VARIABLE dac_out_var : REAL; BEGIN -- Analog component model process d2a (sar_val,dac_out_var); dac_out <= (dac_out_var - 0.0001) after 19 ns, dac_out_var after 20 ns; IF (dac_out_var >= analog_input) THEN over_under <= '1' after 40 ns; ELSE over_under <= '0' after 40 ns; END IF; END PROCESS; -- Analog component model process -- process to apply tests applytest : PROCESS BEGIN -- PROCESS applytest FOR I IN analog_in_tbl'RANGE LOOP vector_no <= I; start <= '0'; wait for 150 ns; analog_input <= (analog_input + 0.0001), (analog_in_tbl(I)+0.0001) AFTER 1 ns, analog_in_tbl(I) AFTER 2 ns; exp_val <= dig_out_tbl(I); WAIT FOR 100 ns; start <= '1'; WAIT UNTIL (eoc = '1'); WAIT FOR 10 ns; -- now check results IF (digital_val(7 downto 1) /= dig_out_tbl(I)(7 downto 1)) THEN error <= '1', '0' AFTER 1 ns; END IF; IF (digital_val(0) /= dig_out_tbl(I)(0)) THEN lsb_error <= '1', '0' AFTER 1 ns; END IF; WAIT FOR 90 ns; END LOOP; WAIT FOR 100 ns; WAIT; END PROCESS applytest; END test; --architecture