---------------------------------------------------------------- -- The ENTITY of the counter ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY cnt3 IS PORT (clk : IN bit; cnt : OUT bit_vector (2 downto 0)); END cnt3; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- completee this architecture ARCHITECTURE mysymbolic OF cnt3 IS BEGIN END mysymbolic; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- completee this architecture ARCHITECTURE mybinary OF cnt3 IS BEGIN END mybinary; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Testbench ENTITY vass3 IS END vass3; ARCHITECTURE one OF vass3 IS --declaration for 3 bit counter COMPONENT cnt3 IS PORT (clk : IN bit; cnt : OUT bit_vector(2 downto 0) ); END COMPONENT; -- configurations for both architectures -- signals SIGNAL clk : BIT; SIGNAL cntsym,cntbin : bit_vector (2 downto 0); BEGIN -- Instantiage your architectures here -- Clock generation PROCESS --Generate a 20 MHz clock signal 50% duty cycle BEGIN clk <= NOT clk; WAIT FOR 20 ns; clk <= NOT clk; WAIT FOR 20 ns; END PROCESS; END one;