Parallel Operation of Power Converters for Applications to Distributed Energy Systems

A. Keyhani, M. Dai, and J. W. Jung
Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA ;

This paper appeares in : 2nd IASTED (The International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Power and Energy Systems
Date: June 25-28, 2002
Location: Greece
Recently interest in Distributed Energy Systems (DES) is increasing, particularly onsite generation. This interest is because larger power plants are conomically unfeasible in many regions due to increasing system and fuel costs, and more strict environmental regulations. In addition, recent technological advances in small generators, Power Electronics, and energy storage devices have provided a new opportunity for distributed energy resources at the distribution level, and especially, the incentive laws to utilize renewable energies has also encouraged a more decentralized approach to power delivery.